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Transform Your Life: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Well-Being and Happiness - Part 2
In part 1 yesterday I talked about the three primarily physical factors to nurture our wellbeing and happiness: Sleep, Nutrition and...

Transform Your Life: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Well-Being and Happiness - Part 1
I talk a lot about how we can improve our base level wellbeing and happiness. Life is often tough, there are so many things that we...

The Coaching Diaries - Finding a compass
Clara is turning 40. She’s feeling stuck, in a city, a job, a life that feel acquired rather than chosen. She’s at a crossroads once...

The Coaching Diaries – Feeling a failure
Andrea has a nagging internal voice that she’s a failure, lagging behind where she should be. About to turn 40, after a decade of...

The Coaching Diaries – Anxiety
Mia is in a panic. She’s been offered a new job. It's a great role, a step up in exposure and responsibility, but after a series of...

The Coaching Diaries – Unclear path
Patrick has lost his drive. He wants to think about moving on from his current role, but he’s struggling to know what towards. Work...

The Coaching Diaries – Distraction
Anna is great at what she does. She works hard, putting in long hours and dedication – longer than she would like or is sustainable long...

The Coaching Diaries - When to get a coach
“Honestly,” I say, “I don’t think this is for you just now.” Ben’s fine. He has goals for 2019 that are challenging, but he knows how he...

The Coaching Diaries – Reinstalling self-belief
Ivy needs to regain her confidence. A few years ago she left her job as a solicitor, longing for more flexibility and space to pursue...

The Coaching Diaries - Fear of exposure
Confidence. It’s always been a struggle. Being seen. David’s a director in the UK arm of a global bank. He’s experienced, capable,...
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